Chiropractic Testimonials

"I first came to Perry Hall Chiropractic when I had a hard time walking very far or for very long. I had a really messed up spine- herniated disks and other problems. I guess my problems began with a few falls over many years. I’m 74 and I really didn’t want my retirement years to be years of pain.

Slowly, over the past 9 years my being able to walk got worse to the point when I decided I didn’t want to end up in a wheelchair, or worse. I saw an orthopedist and a neurologist and both said as long as I was doing as well as I was (at the time) I should do nothing. But over the last 3-4 years my back pain has gotten much much worse.

After I started coming here I can honestly say I can walk longer and easier. Not by much, but this problem didn’t come on overnight and it can’t be fixed in a short time. But it is a little better. It’s just going to take time."

- W.B.

"I first came to Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy on Thursday, August 25, 2011 because I was having extreme pain in my left shoulder. I have had neck and back pain for about 23 years ever since I suffered whip lash from a car accident in 1988. The pain would come and go. Sometimes the pain was mild, but mostly it was severe. Twice I had muscle spasms and couldn’t move my head or get up from a laying position. I was also put on muscle relaxers for the spasms. In 2000 I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome by a general practice doctor and was given Cortisone shots in both wrists, but those wore off over time. Because of the neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain and carpal tunnel, I was very slow at work, taking me twice as long to do my job and I was very irritable. It affected my relationship with my son because the pain put me in a very bad mood. After starting my treatments at Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy the extreme pain was gone immediately and I knew that I had made the right choice when I came to Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy. Chiropractic care is something everyone should do because the benefits are far beyond just spinal health. Not only am I no longer having pain, but my mental health and emotional state are better than they have ever been. I truly believe that it is because of my treatments at Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy."

- C.C.

"I first came to Perry Hall Chiropractic because I was suffering from headaches. I had headaches for at least 9 months before my primary care doctor decided to send me for treatment. The headaches would interfere with everyday life and sometimes make me miss work. My primary care doctor treated me with prescription medications that would sometimes take the headache away temporarily but never solved the problem. After the first month of treatment at Perry Hall Chiropractic I started learning ways to prevent headaches which is helping me to have less of them. I am happy with the progress I’m seeing and hope I continue to get better.

Thank You!"

- K.J.

"I first came to Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy after a recommendation from my family care physician. I had been suffering severe back pain after being released from hospitalization for another condition. The only relief I enjoyed was from pain medication. The toll the pain took a daily basis was considerable. It took me am hour to get out of bed each morning. Dressing for the day took about a half hour. Showering was next to impossible. I had a great difficulty simply walking and needed a cane for my balance. Under the care and treatment of Dr. Heil it was determined that my spine had assumed an un-natural curvature and needed correction. The initial treatment was a different “grin and bear it” situation, but once I had gone beyond that stage it was a relatively quick and easy treatment. In a few months I had little pain and treatments became fewer and farther between. In a few months I was pain free and back to a normal lifestyle. My quality of life has turned around 180 degrees."

- W.F.

"I began suffering from hip bursitis in September, 2010, and was unable to run in a 5k for charity as planned. I saw an orthopedic doctor and went to physiotherapy once a week for two months with limited success. I would feel better for a day or two, but even moderate walking exacerbated the pain. Because of the chronic pain and contact flare-ups, I had gone from running three miles on a treadmill several times a week to being unable to walk at all without pain. I went from exercising almost daily to not being able to exercise at all. My husband and I had frequently taken walks together, and we were unable to do this. Even walking a few blocks from my parking space to my office building exacerbated the bursitis. I sometimes travel for work, and rather than look forward to seeing new places, I began to dread the extra walking this might require. I began to wonder if a handicap sticker was in my future.

My husband Craig injured his back doing a home improvement project in mid-December. he was initially paralyzed with pain and unable to stand or walk. He was taken by paramedics to the emergency room, where an x-ray revealed several herniated discs in his lower back. He saw an orthopedic surgeon two weeks later, who recommended Perry Hall Chiropractic. After two or three weeks of chiropractic case, My husband had improved significantly. he had much less pain, and the numbness in his foot had improved some.

Since I was making little progress with traditional physiotherapy, my husband recommended I come to Perry Hall Chiropractic. I was examined in late December, 2010, and told that much of the pain I described did not fit the classic profile of bursitis. I was x-rayed again, and they noticed problems in my lower spine, and suggested that this was causing a great deal of referred pain. I began treatments with Dr. Heil, and after a few weeks, noticed more improvement that I had experienced in two months of traditional physiotherapy. I am making progress, and after just three weeks, I am able to walk with much less pain and can exercise on an elliptical for 20-30 minutes

The women who work in the office, Shannon and Linda, are an asset to the practice. Shannon is always very personable and accommodating on the front desk, and Linda is unfailingly cheerful and helpful to all patients."

- M.G.

"I came to Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy for the first time on January 19, 2011. I have had an extremely painful case of sciatica, which has constantly been shooting down my back and right leg since April, 2009. This greatly hampers my ability to sit for eight hours a day at work, exercise in the evenings, go on car/plane trips and perform basic recreational activities. I have seen two other Chiropractors, but did not find the relief I was looking for. I have been treated for two weeks at Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy and have already seen great strides in improvement. The doctors took time to sit down and thoroughly discuss any questions or concerns I had. They paid great attention to how I explained my body reacted to prior unsuccessful treatments and they were able to develop a unique plan which has already shown positive results. I would highly recommend using their services if you feel its time to finally get healed!!"

- J.D.

"I came to Perry Hall Chiropractic because I could not turn my head without extreme pain. I don’t know how it happened, I just wanted it fixed. I could not work and perform my normal activities due to this problem. Perry Hall chiropractic was my first and only choice I made to have my problem corrected. In less than 9 visits I can work, play basketball and enjoy all my daily activities with no pain. Now that I am feeling better, I have no problem attending periodic chiropractic visits. Thanks to the great work done for me at Perry Hall Chiropractic my spine is working like a new one. No more subluxation problems. The staff at Perry Hall Chiropractic are the greatest people on earth. Give them a chance to help you with your concerns and you will NEVER regret it!"

- One Happy Patient!

"I came to Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy because I had such horrible pain across my lower back and down my legs that I could no longer do the things I enjoyed. I could not even take a short walk without having to stop and sit down much less ride a tractor, work in the fields farming, go fishing, or do yard work. I felt like my life had stopped. I figured my back hurt so much because I had pent most of my life doing hard, physical labor and that it had finally caught up with me. As a farmer and florist, I had to do a lot of heavy lifting, bending, kneeling, and stooping. I was told about 35 years ago that my disks were deteriorating. By the time I reached the age of 84 I didn’t think anyone could help me. I had been taking Vioxx, but it didn’t help. I thought I was ready for the rocking chair. One day I was sitting around miserable when my wife read an ad in the newspaper about your treatment for back pain. I asked my family doctor about it and he said I should give it a try. My daughter investigated it and brought me to my first visit. I started feeling better after 3 weeks. After 2 1/2 months of treatment, I can stand up straighter, walk without losing my balance, and ride my lawn tractor. I am much less irritable and ready to enjoy the summer."

- H.R.

"My first chiropractic experience was really 18 years ago. Sciatica was the diagnosis given by the neurosurgeon with a very strong recommendation for surgery on my spine. He stated there was a chance, even with my back operation, that I could still be in chronic pain! With personal knowledge of friends who had undergone unsuccessful spine surgery, I decided to contact a chiropractor for treatment. I originally needed to constantly readjust my position for comfort every 5 minutes making sitting, sleeping or standing virtually impossible! Realizing it would require a considerable amount of time to remedy my situation & not accept an overnight miracle, I began chiropractic care. Within 10 months I was again able to function normally with minimal discomfort. What a relief! My current condition prompted my revisit due to severe numbness & tingling in my lower back, legs & feet. I was also experiencing radiating shoulder, neck & buttock pain. My primary care physician & orthopedist had previously prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication that only seemed to exasperate my system & created other problems. I also tried physiotherapy with unsatisfactory results. My symptoms were masked & not being treated properly in my estimation. I own & operate a restaurant that requires me to be a optimum performance. I also do not want to settle for lesser quality in my personal life. I have been honored to receive exemplary care & service from Dr. Heil & the staff at the Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy team. Thanks for renewing my zest for life!"

- C.C.

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 4:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Perry Hall Chiropractic & Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Rd #101
Baltimore, MD 21236
P: (410) 256-9650
F: (410) 256-3339